eSoftware Associates, Inc., San Francisco
Posted: 03/05/2018
Application email:



$44,000 gross annual income

Greetings, code writing human! We’re thrilled that you’re here to apply for the UI Engineer position. It’s a real good full-time gig located in our Printer’s Row offices in Chicago, IL.

We are…

A small but spirited bunch of doofuses who make amazing things to help creative people show off their work. Right now nearly 900,000 people are using Carbonmade portfolios. That number is growing steadily, new projects are underway and we need a special someone to help us build out all our fancy schmancy interfaces. We think that person should be you. Maybe. Listen, we can’t be 100% certain, but we’re almost probably sure it should be you.

You are…

An experienced UI Engineer that has built out complex interfaces for a fairly large user base. Ideally, you’re comfortable improvising and hacking together prototypes one day and knocking out production code the next. You’ll be vital to helping us release better and even more beloved versions of Carbonmade. Here’s some stuff you should be down with:

              Donec aliquam metus sit amet dictum blandit.
              Etiam eu nisl iaculis nunc pretium malesuada.
              Suspendisse rutrum lorem non turpis convallis, at placerat tellus rutrum.
             nteger porta lectus id velit porta, nec varius eros aliquam.
              Nunc eget purus non ante egestas feugiat.
              Nullam rhoncus ante non lacus fermentum, a eleifend metus interdum.

Your perks…

You’ll get a rad job at a great company working on interesting projects and get paid an excellent salary in US currency. There’s plenty more, but ideally this is what you’re looking for.


1. Do you have any personal projects?
2. Tell us about the last interface you used that got you hyped.
3. What’s the weirdest project you had to implement?
4. Tell us why you want to work at Chipotle.
5. Ignore number 4.

That’s about it. Just write up anything you think we need to know and link up 
your portfolio or Github profile or whatever the cool kids are using these days.

Full time